ホーム > 会費納入方法の変更と納入のお願い
郵便貯金 01040-2-44148
口座名義 地域農林経済学会
ご所属や会員種別等に変更がございましたら、合わせて会員管理システムe-naf の[会員登録情報]から修正いただけますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation in the operation of our Society.
We expect to prepaid membership fees before the beginning of the fiscal year and have sent you a transfer form.
But as announced in the newsletter and general meeting, you can pay membership fees by credit card from FY2025.
Please check the file below for details.
Accounting system of membership fee payment
If you have difficulty paying by credit card, you can also pay using the payment form available at the post office.
Japan Post account number: 01040-2-44148
Account name: Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics Association
If there are any changes to your institution, membership type, etc., please update them from [会員登録情報] on e-naf.
※If you don’t know your membership fee, what should you do?※
Clicking "[会員登録情報]" will redirect you to the login page. Please enter your membership number and password to confirm the amount you need to pay.
郵便貯金 01040-2-44148
口座名義 地域農林経済学会
ご所属や会員種別等に変更がございましたら、合わせて会員管理システムe-naf の[会員登録情報]から修正いただけますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation in the operation of our Society.
We expect to prepaid membership fees before the beginning of the fiscal year and have sent you a transfer form.
But as announced in the newsletter and general meeting, you can pay membership fees by credit card from FY2025.
Please check the file below for details.
Accounting system of membership fee payment
If you have difficulty paying by credit card, you can also pay using the payment form available at the post office.
Japan Post account number: 01040-2-44148
Account name: Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics Association
If there are any changes to your institution, membership type, etc., please update them from [会員登録情報] on e-naf.
※If you don’t know your membership fee, what should you do?※
Clicking "[会員登録情報]" will redirect you to the login page. Please enter your membership number and password to confirm the amount you need to pay.