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Guidelines for Submission to the Journal of Rural Problems

1. Qualification for submission
(1) Only regular members of ARAFE qualify as authors. However, the authors of submissions requested by the ARAFE editorial board do not need to be members. Non-members may be co-authors, but they cannot be first authors and/or corresponding authors.
(2) However, all authors (including first authors, corresponding authors, and other co-authors) of research articles and short papers must satisfy all three of the following conditions in ①, ②, and ③:
① Is substantially responsible for any of the tasks listed from A to C:
(A) Development of the research concept or design
(B) Collection of data, research materials, or historical evidence
(C) Analysis or interpretation of data, research materials, or historical evidence
② Wrote the draft of the paper or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
③ Granted final approval of the submitted manuscript and the final version of the published manuscript.

2. Manuscript types
(1) The following types of manuscripts can be considered for publication in the Journal of Rural Problems (JRP): research articles (i.e., full-length papers), short papers, research material, and other materials that are aligned with the aims of ARAFE. The research interests of the Journal of Rural Problems (JRP) range over the social science fields, focusing on food, agriculture, and the forestry and fishery industries as well as rural, mountainous, and fishing areas both in Japan and abroad. Book reviews and other papers may also be requested by the editorial board of ARAFE. Submitted manuscripts must not have been published previously. However, all or part of any dissertation published in institutional repositories in accordance with academic policies of the institutions is regarded as an unpublished work. The executive editorial board of ARAFE determines whether works can be treated as unpublished or not. Further, the executive editorial board of ARAFE may change the type of manuscript of any submission with the author’s consent.
(2) Regarding short papers, refer to the separately specified ‘Guidelines for the submission of short papers’ for information on how to prepare, submit, and review manuscripts as well as an overview of the publication fees.

3. Submitted manuscripts
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with sections 4 and 5. It is necessary to prepare the manuscript using the template file provided on the ARAFE website. If a manuscript has been made without the template file or the manuscript format is clearly invalid, the submission will not be accepted for consideration.

4. Preparation of manuscripts
(1) The text of manuscripts should be written horizontally. In Japanese manuscripts, the modern kana usage and Chinese characters for daily use should be used except for specialized terminology. Chinese and kana characters should be written in double-byte characters. Alphanumeric characters and symbols should be written in single-byte characters. Manuscripts should be as concise as possible and include as few figures, tables, and equations as possible, limiting these additions to those required for theoretical development.
(2) The maximum number of pages for research articles, research materials, and other papers that are written using the template file is 12, 10, and 6 pages, respectively. The standard number of pages for research articles, research materials, and other papers that are written using the template file is 8, 6, and 2 pages, respectively. Authors may attach an online appendix equal to or less than 4 pages with their manuscript for consideration as a research article.
(3) In Japanese manuscripts, the title, authors’ names, and affiliations in both Japanese and English should be written in the designated locations in the template file. An abstract in English (approximately 200 words) and 4–6 keywords in Japanese should also be written in the designated location in the template file. In English manuscripts, the title, authors’ names, and affiliations in English should be written in the designated locations in the template file. When submitting a manuscript as a research article, an abstract in English (approximately 200 words) and 4 to 6 keywords in English should be written in the designated location in the template file.
(4) The article structure, punctuation marks, units, notes, citations, and reference list should be prepared in accordance with the technical guidelines for submission to the Journal of Rural Problems (JRP).

5. Preparation of figures and tables
Figures and tables should be consecutively numbered throughout the manuscript as follows: Fig. 1, Table 1. Figures and tables should be affixed in the required locations in all manuscripts. Figures should always be accurate and clear and have suitable explanations and symbols appended. To ensure readability, do not excessively reduce the sizes of figures and tables.

6. Submission of manuscripts
Authors should submit the following electronic files to the editorial board of ARAFE in accordance with the procedure outlined on the ARAFE website.
■ List of all items to be submitted:
① Both a PDF and Word file of the manuscript
② A PDF file of the article written by any of the authors most closely related to the manuscript (if needed when notifying of a double submission survey)

7. Receipt of manuscripts
The receipt date is considered to be the date when the manuscript is submitted to the editorial board of ARAFE.

8. Review and resubmission of manuscripts
(1) The final decision on whether a manuscript is accepted is made by the executive editorial board of ARAFE. Authors will be notified of the decision within four months of the receipt date. A manuscript submitted as a research article will be reviewed by two or more reviewers. A manuscript will generally be reviewed up to three times; one that is not accepted by the third review will be rejected.
(2) If a manuscript needs to be revised, authors should resubmit their revised manuscript as soon as possible. If the manuscript is resubmitted more than thirty days after notification, the revised manuscript will be processed as a new submission.

9. Acceptance of manuscripts
The acceptance date is considered to be the date when the executive editorial board of ARAFE decides to accept the manuscript. The executive editorial board may request revisions of accepted manuscripts in accordance with this regulation. However, authors may not make unrequested revisions without the prior approval of the board. Accepted manuscripts are not returned to authors. The publication order of accepted manuscripts is decided by the executive editorial board.

10. Proofreading
The author’s proofreading process, wherein authors may correct any printing mistakes, is performed only once. However, the following are not allowed: the correction of words and phrases unrelated to printing mistakes, the addition of new words and phrases, and any correction of figures and tables.

11. Publication fees
(1) Authors whose accepted manuscripts are published do not need to pay publication fees if their manuscripts are within the standard number of pages outlined in section 4(2). The publication fees for manuscripts requested by the editorial board of ARAFE are the same as those for contributed manuscripts.
(2) When the total number of pages of a printed manuscript exceeds the standard number of pages outlined in section 4(2), authors must pay the following additional publication fees. Excess pages must not exceed four pages.
■ List of publication fees for excess pages
1 page: ¥5,000
2 pages: ¥10,000
3 pages: ¥15,000
4 pages: ¥20,000
*The maximum number of excess pages at the submission stage is four pages but up to five is permitted after typesetting. In this case, the publication fee for the excess pages is ¥25,000.
(3) A publication fee of ¥5,000 per page is added for the online appendix of a research article.

12. Ownership and use of copyright
Based on ‘ARAFE guidelines for copyright’, authors must transfer the copyright of their published articles to ARAFE. The transfer of copyright includes the assignment of rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and store published articles in both print and electronic forms.

13. Revision of guidelines
The guidelines shall be revised by the editorial board of ARAFE. The revision must be approved by the Board of Executive Directors.

(Revised on 25 September 2021)
Omitted below.