ホーム > English
Journal of Rural Problems
- J-STAGE "Journal of Rural Problems"
- Guidelines for Submission to the Journal of Rural Problems
- Technical Guidelines for Submission to Journal of Rural Problems
- Guidelines for the Submission of Short Papers
- Manuscript Submission Forms
- Template for Research Articles
- Template for Short Papers
- Manual for Making Abstract of Oral Presentation
- Template for Abstract of Oral Presentation
- ARAFE Guidelines for Copyright
- Application for the Use of Papers Published in the Journal of Rural Problems
- Peer Review Criteria for Submissions
- Guidelines for the Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics Editorial Board
Annual Meeting
- The 74nd Annual Meeting
- The 73nd Annual Meeting
- The 72nd Annual Meeting
- The 71th Annual Meeting
- The 70th Annual Meeting
- The 69th Annual Meeting
- The 68th Annual Meeting
- The 67th Annual Meeting
- The 66th Annual Meeting
- The 65th Annual Meeting
- The 64th Annual Meeting
- The 63th Annual Meeting
- The 62th Annual Meeting