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Call for Applications: The 9th International Workshop (Saturday, June 28, 2025)

The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
The 9th International Workshop
Co-organized by Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University

Call for Applications

Date: Saturday, June 28, 2025    
Venue: Tottori University, Room TBC (Hybrid with Zoom)
Language: English      Participation fee: Free
Deadline for application: Friday, May 9, 2025

We are pleased to invite members of the Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics (ARAFE) to present their latest studies at the 9th International Workshop on Saturday, June 28, 2025, at Tottori University. The objective of this workshop is to encourage our members, from graduate students to established researchers, to write, present, and discuss their work in English in preparation for international conferences and to further the internationalization of our association. If non-members of the Association are interested in presenting their papers, members can serve as recommenders to enable them to join the workshop.
The papers for this workshop can be studies of regional agricultural and forestry economics, management, sociology, history, and other related social sciences. A wide range of disciplines and approaches are welcome, including quantitative or qualitative, theoretical and experimental, case studies and field surveys.
We intend to organize the workshop as a hybrid of online (Zoom) and in-person. The venue will be Tottori University. For details, please refer to the announcement on the ARAFE website. Those who wish to present their work should submit the Google Form below by Friday, May 9, 2025:

Call for Paper (Google Form)
Call for Applications (PDF)

- Family Name, Given Name 氏名
- Affiliation 所属
- Job / Year 職/学年
- Title 報告タイトル
- Contact Tel 連絡先電話番号
- Contact Email 連絡先E-mail
- ARAFE Member 会員/Non-member 非会員
- If you are a non-member, write the name of the member who recommends you 非会員の場合には推薦者氏名
- Abstract 要旨(300-500 words 単語)
Note. Failure to adhere to the word count may result in disqualification.

The selected presenters must submit their handouts, e.g., PowerPoint Slides and papers of 3,000-5,000 words/paper by Wednesday, June 11, 2025. The handouts will be circulated among participants on the workshop day to facilitate better discussions, and the short papers will be shared with the chairs and commentators beforehand. The presentation will be 20 minutes, and a discussion of 15 minutes will follow. Presenters should prepare digital presentation materials (e.g., PowerPoint slides) for the hybrid online and in-person presentations. The presented papers are welcome to be submitted to the Journal of Rural Problems for review or revised for a presentation at the Association’s annual conference. The first author and the corresponding author must be members of the Association to submit a paper for review in the Journal or present at the annual conference. The author(s) whose paper(s) were presented in the ARAFE International Workshop and subsequently published or accepted for publication (in the Journal of Rural Problems published by ARAFE or in other international journals with an impact factor indexed in Web of Science) may be awarded a subsidy of ARAFE. Please get in touch with Dr. Keeni for more details.
After the International Workshop, we will organize a buffet party on or near the campus. Please join us to continue dialogues and broaden our network.
If you have any questions, please contact us. We are looking forward to your contributions!

Executive Board Members for
Internationalization of the Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
Dr. Hart Nadav Feuer (Kyoto University)
Dr. Minakushi Keeni (Tohoku University)
Dr. Motoi Kusadokoro (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Dr. Nina Takashino (Ritsumeikan University)
Contact: arafe [at]gst.ritsumei.ac.jp (please replace [at] with @)