ホーム > 第74回地域農林経済学会大会


2024 International Symposium of
the Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics
sponsored by the Japanese Society of Organic Agriculture Science
Scaling up Agroecology from the Policies to Practices:
Transforming Our Research and Education Systems
Abstracts & Biographies
International Symposium 2024_Program


Concept of the Symposium

   To transcend the global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, hunger, social inequality and so on, the United Nations initiated the Scaling Up Agroecology Initiative at the Second International Symposium on Agroecology held in Rome in 2018. Echoing to this initiative, the countries in the Global North recently launched their respective new agri-food policies that state to transform their current food systems towards more sustainable ones. The European Green Deal in 2019 and Farm to Fork Strategy in 2020, the United States’ Innovation Agenda in 2020, Japan’s Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems (MIDORI) in 2021 are the parts of these efforts.
   While the transformation of our agri-food research and education systems in public and private research institutions, universities, agricultural colleges and high-schools, extension centers are essential to achieving the goals declared in the above mentioned green agri-food policies or transcend them, the speed of paving the roads is heterogeneous among countries and regions. For example, Japan is one of the countries that need scale up and scale out its transformation of agri-food research and education systems.
   Against this backdrop, the ARAFE organizes two consecutive international symposia on “Scaling Up Agroecology from Policies to Practices” in 2023 and 2024. In the international symposium of 2024 focuses on “Transforming Our Research and Education Systems”. We invite three speakers who involved in the transformation of agri-food research and education systems in the UN, EU, and the US with interdisciplinary approaches.

Symposium Organizers: Executive Board Members for Internationalization of the Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics

Assoc. Prof. MASUDA Tadayoshi (Kindai University)
Prof. SEKINE Kae (Aichi Gakuin University)
Assoc. Prof. TAKASHINO Nina (Ritsumeikan University)

Welcome Address:
President of JARAFE, Prof. AKITSU Motoki (Kyoto University)
President of JSOAS,
Prof. KOMATSUZAKI Masakazu(Ibaraki University)

Presentation 1:
Advancing Agroecology through Policy Dialogue and Advocacy at Different Levels: Focus on Initiatives Supported by FAO
Mr. FERRAND Pierre (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: FAO)

Presentation 2:
The ‘Agroecological Turn’ in French Agronomic Research: New Areas of Knowledge and New Trainin Practices
Dr. CHIFFOLEAU Yuna (The National Institute for Research on Agriculture, Food and the Environment: INRAE)

Presentation 3:
Agroecological Research, Extension, and Education in California:A Case of the University of California, Santa Cruz
Dr. MURAMOTO Joji (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Prof. KANEKO Nobuhiro (Fukushima University)
Asso. Prof. TANIGUCHI Yoko (Setsunan University)*

Concluding Remarks: Assoc. Prof. MASUDA Tadayoshi (Kindai University)*

Closing Remarks: Vice President of ARAFE, Prof. MAHARJAN Keshav Lall*
(Hiroshima University)